Possibilities Seminars

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Level 1 was My Catalyst

It's been nearly 3 years (!!) since I took Level 1 and so much has happened since then. I remember that after the first session, the Friday night, I went back to my hotel and did my reflections. And it was there that I told Casey that I'm going to go back to school for my MBA, something that had been in the back of my mind for many years, but I did not have the courage to do it. I was scared of rejection, but after being pregnant with our third child, I realized I didn't have any more excuses and nothing to lose.

Well, this weekend, I graduated from UCLA with my MBA. It took 2 years, and not only did I graduate, but I also quit my job, started my own company, lost 30 lbs, made amazing relationships/networks, raised 3 babies, and maintained a happy marriage with Casey. I am now working full time on my startup (we have had tremendous traction and raised $30k in the last few months). I've come so far in such a short period of time, and I'm not slowing down... just getting started!

Level 1 was the catalyst that set me on my course, and I will never forget it. Thank you for being that part of my life, where everything changed for me. I am a different, better version of myself thanks to you both.

Thank you so much again. What you guys are doing is so incredible and truly life-changing.

Belinda Lau